Sample Preparation and Diamond Knives / Categories


The applications of microtomy and ultramicrotomy are not limited to biological or life science studies. Challenging samples, metals, and ceramics, for example, can be sectioned by RMC Boeckeler’s ultramicrotomes and rotary microtomes with their power-driven cutting stroke, thus allowing for harder specimens and larger block faces to be addressed.

RMC Boeckeler’s PowerTome is a fully modular ultramicrotome, upgradable from a routine to an advanced instrument. Known for its durability, its power-driven cutting stroke will enable you to slice through a wide variety of materials ranging from softer to extremely hard materials. As such, the PowerTome is used for research in many different industries ranging from life sciences to materials sciences.



ATUMtome: Automated Tape Collecting Ultramicrotome

ATUMtome: Automated Tape Collecting Ultramicrotome

ASH2: Advanced Substrate Holder Attachment for Serial Sectioning

ASH2: Advanced Substrate Holder Attachment for Serial Sectioning

LN Ultra: Cryo Attachment for PowerTome

LN Ultra: Cryo Attachment for PowerTome

GKM2: Glass Knife Maker

GKM2: Glass Knife Maker

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