Nano Indenters

Nanomechanical testers from KLA Instruments for materials characterisation and process control. These nanoindenters provide precise, reliable and repeatable testing to characterise static and dynamic mechanical properties of materials, under a wide range of test conditions.


Compact nanoindenters that make measuring hard coatings, thin films, and small volumes of material easy. These accurate, flexible and user-friendly instruments can perform a wide range of nanoscale mechanical tests including nanoindentation, hardness, scratch and universal nanoscale testing.

iNano® Nano Indenter

iNano® Nano Indenter

iMicro Nano Indenter

iMicro Nano Indenter


User-friendly nanoscale mechanical testers that quickly deliver accurate, quantitative results.

Nano Indenter® G200x

Nano Indenter® G200x


Nanomechanical testers compatible with scanning electron microscope (SEM) and focused ion beam (FIB) chambers, or standalone vacuum chambers. The unique software-integrated tip-calibration system provides fast and accurate tip calibration.

NanoFlip® Nano Indenter

NanoFlip® Nano Indenter

Nano Indenter Comparison

Product Range
iNano iMicro G200 G200X
Lab Facility
R&D failure labs with targeted focus Yes Yes Yes Yes
R&D and failure labs with multiple requirements Yes Yes Yes
Multi-user faclities Yes Yes
Force Range
50mN Yes Yes Yes Yes
1N Yes Yes Yes
10N Yes
SPM & Mapping
High speed indentation mapping Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scanning probe microscopy Yes Yes
Survey Scanning Yes Yes
Targeting Accuracy
5μm Yes Yes Yes Yes
<5μm Yes Yes Yes
<1μm Yes Yes
<20nm with NanoVision Yes Yes
Stage Translation
75mm X 75mm Yes Yes Yes Yes
100mm X 100mm Yes Yes Yes
200mm X 200mm Yes Yes
Displacement Range
lnForce50: 50μm (0.2pm Resolution) Yes Yes Yes
lnForce1000: 80μm (0.04nm Resolution) Yes Yes
DCM II: 70μm (0.2pm Resolution) Yes
XP: 1.5mm (0.01nm Resolution) Yes
>25mm Z-axis (<50nmResolution) Yes Yes Yes
Force Range
lnForce50: 50mN (3nN Resolution) Yes Yes Yes
lnForce1000: 1N (6nN Resolution) Yes Yes Yes
DCM II: 30mN (3nN Resolution) Yes
XP: 500mN_10N optional (50nN Resolution) Yes

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