Swift Tensile Stage

A highly flexible tensile testing platform, configurable for testing at either a flat 0° angle or the 70° EBSD angle. Swift’s fully customisable design can fit almost any SEM or vacuum chamber, and it's adapted with heating and chilling options.


Swift Instruments

Swift Instruments have developed a range of miniature tensile stages, specially designed to fit the challenging space constraints of modern SEM chambers. In-situ tensile testers from Swift Instruments can be made to fit any microscope. Our base models offer flat and EBSD angle form factors, and forces of 5kN and 10kN. These can be enhanced with heating and cooling options. The modular, flexible architecture we have created for tensile and compression testing can be fully customised to meet any application.

Key Features

  • Flat & EBSD Positions
  • 2kN, 5kN & 10kN Load Cells
  • Tensile & Compression Testing
  • Heating & Cooling Options
  • Computer Controlled Workflow
  • Fully Customisable Design

Tensile Testing for Today

To meet the challenging needs of modern materials research, Swift Instruments have developed a series of new and fully customisable in-situ tensile stages. These powerful tensile testing instruments can be used to make microstructural observations of samples under load, in a Scanning Electron Microscope or other imaging and analysis system.

A Swift Tensile Stage can be configured with a range of options, including support for EBSD, and sample heating and chilling. Operation is fast and easy with an efficient computer-controlled workflow. Swift Instruments makes in-situ tensile testing powerful, flexible and simple.

Flexible & Adaptable Design

Materials science is a rapidly advancing field of research, and imaging and analysis instruments also continue to develop. Finding a tensile stage that is both suitable for a testing application, and compatible with a SEM or other instrument can be challenging.

To make in-situ tensile testing easier Swift Instruments have designed their tensile stages to be highly flexible and fully customisable. The skilled engineers in the Swift Instruments team can adapt the Swift technology to meet even the most demanding applications.

Testing Methods

The tensile stages designed by Swift Instruments are highly versatile, and are capable of performing a variety of mechanical tests on many materials.

Computer-Controlled Workflow

Swift Instruments have a developed a computer-controlled tensile testing workflow, which makes in-situ tensile testing simple and efficient. Test routines can be programmed with a drag and drop interface, which can control both force and temperature. Load, displacement and sample temperature are all recorded simultaneously during testing, with stress and strain automatically calculated. Test data can be exported for external analysis.



Service Support

Comprehensive repairs and servicing

Annual Support Programs

Your metrology instrumentation is a major investment that is critical to your business operation and success. In today’s competitive climate, it is more important than ever to extend the functionality and peak performance of your metrology equipment years beyond the expiration of your factory warranty. CN Tech’s Support Programs will help ensure that your investment is protected, and that you and your instrument’s are always operating at peak performance.

With over 20 years’ experience servicing and repairing you can be assured that your system is in safe hands. The independent services we offer include system relocation, maintenance visits, parts and consumables, and break down interventions.

CN Tech’s Support Programs are an economical way to guarantee optimal working condition:

  • Annual Preventive Maintenance
  • Priority Technical Assistance
  • Preferred Parts Availability
  • On-Site User Training
  • Remote Diagnostics
  • No surprise repair expense and much more!

Support Contact Example

An example of our service and support contracts are shown below:


Metrology & Instrumentation Annual Support Programs 2024/25

CN Tech's Support Programs will help ensure that your investment is protected, and that you and your instrument’s are always operating at peak performance.

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