SC11 Compact Analysis System

The SC11/Compact is our popular site survey equipment. It features data acquisition and pre-processing by an embedded microcomputer in the magnetic field sensor, for enhanced performance. The separate data acquisition card (DaqCard) used by our earlier systems is not required. The data interface to the computer is through an industry standard USB connection, which enables the system to be used with most modern laptops running Microsoft Windows.


Spicer Consulting

Spicer Consulting has built a world-wide reputation in magnetic field cancelling for electron microscopes and similar instruments. Today, working with equipment manufacturers and users alike, the company is recognised as an industry expert in maximising the performance of electron microscopes, electron beam lithography systems, CD-SEM and focused ion beam tools. Spicer Consulting magnetic field cancelling systems protect sensitive equipment in the world's leading laboratories, universities and semiconductor manufacturing plants, as well as in the test facilities of electron and ion beam equipment manufacturers. Its magnetic field, vibration and acoustic analysis systems have been adopted as standard equipment for the conduct of site surveys by leading equipment manufacturers.

Key Features

  • Windows laptop powered measurement and analysis system
  • Data acquired and pre-processed in sensor with universal USB sensor connection
  • Measures environmental magnetic fields, vibrations and sound levels
  • Measures 9kHz magnetic fields from wafer transport robots and 0.1 Hz field from trams
  • Ultra low noise seismic accelerometer for vibration measurements
  • Narrow-band and third octave spectrum analysis
  • Chart recorder with data logging for long term measurements


The system is designed to be flexible and adaptable to suit customer requirements. The core system includes the sensor interface, software and a custom carrying case. A typical system also includes a DC-13 kHz three axis magnetic field sensor, an accelerometer, and a precision microphone. The software suite includes three virtual instruments, an oscilloscope, a spectrum analyser, and a chart recorder that display results graphically on the laptop screen. Also included are “SCplot”, a comprehensive result plotting program, “SC11 Wizard”, which aids in setting up a single measurement, and “SC11 Survey”, which automates a complete survey.

Magnetic Field Sensor

The SC11/Compact three axis magnetic field sensor is derived from sensors used in the Spicer Consulting range of magnetic field cancelling systems. It contains a three-axis inductive pick-up coil (X, Y, & Z) connected to precision analogue integrators, to measure AC magnetic fields. The measurement range is 80 mG pk-pk with a bandwidth of 1 Hz to 20 kHz and the total noise limit in the band is 3μG RMS. Post-processing in the laptop computer enables the low frequency limit to be extended to 0.1Hz with minor increase in the 1/f noise limit. The measurement accuracy is ± 1%.


The accelerometer supplied is a Wilcoxon Research model 731A, with a measurement range of 200 mg's pk-pk and a bandwidth of 0.1 Hz to 500 Hz. It is suitable for the measurement of extremely low-level vibrations. Its noise limit is 0.03μg/√Hz at 2Hz. The accelerometer measures along one independent axis. It can be rotated to measure three orthogonal axes (one at a time) while standing on a horizontal plane.

Digital Sound Level Meter

The sound level metre supplied is an Extech 407730 for general purpose sound measurements. It can measure from 40 to 130 dB on its internal metre. The sound level metre connects to the Magnetic Field Sensor Aux input through a coax cable.

Flux Gate Magnetometer

The optional flux gate magnetometer is a μMAG-01N from MEDA. It measures one axis magnetic fields from DC to 400 Hz, with a maximum range of ±2000 mG and a metre resolution of 0.01 mG on the most sensitive 20 mG range. The Meda metre connects to the Magnetic Field Sensor Aux input through a coax cable.



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The oscilloscope program is useful for initial investigation of magnetic fields during trouble shooting of electron microscope imaging problems. The oscilloscope has a bandwidth of 20kHz on its shorter time ranges. The A input is DC coupled. There are common controls for the time base and the magnetic field axis ranges. There are independent controls for the auxiliary channel range and the vertical position of each channel. The RMS and Pk-Pk values of the waveforms are measured and displayed numerically.

Spectrum Analyser

The spectrum analyser program enables in-depth analysis of magnetic field, vibration, sound and other sources such as the video output from an SEM in spot-mode. It displays the waveforms and spectra of up to 4 channels (3 Magnetic Field and one other). It highlights the selected channel. It has a wide range of units for use with all the sensors. An example of magnetic field analysis is shown below.

Chart Recorder

The chart program is used to record events that change relatively slowly. It simulates plotting on a paper chart which is up to 20 screen pages wide. It displays in page mode (one screen width at a time) or as a continuous scroll. The most recent 20 pages of data are retained in memory (2 hours 46 minutes at slowest chart speed) . Controls for vertical range, chart speed and bandwidth are provided. Pan and zoom controls enable any section of the plot to be examined. There are many options.


SCplot is a comprehensive results editing program that enables results exported as text files or Matlab level 5 files from the Oscilloscope, Spectrum and Chart recorder programs to be formatted for published reports. It is particularly useful for formatting the large text files that result from long term data logging. It supports all the units and formats that are used in the Oscilloscope, Spectrum and Chart recorder programs. It enables units conversion and can post process results with user specified formulas. SCplot can show multiple results measured at different times on a 3D waterfall plot and it can append plots to a document in Microsoft Word.

SC11 Wizard

The SC11 Wizard quickly and easily starts pre- defined measurements using one of the three measurement programs. It guides you through the choice of sensors, the instrument for which the environment is to be checked, the type of analysis and the type of measurement. The Wizard helps new or occasional users to get started with making measurements as simply as possible, using setup files that have already been created by an expert user. It also helps experienced users to organise their setup files.

SC11 Survey

SC11 Survey automates a complete survey by calling the SC11 instruments using Active X technology. It is like the SC11 Wizard except that it uses a macro that can run several measurements and automatically save the results. Survey guides you through the choice of sensors and the survey itself. The SC11/ Compact does not support the self test feature. Survey enables first-time users to set up the equipment and run a standard survey using a macro and setup files that have already been created by an expert user. This program works best with the full SC11/SI system with 2 DC magnetic field sensors, 3 accelerometers and a precision microphone, but survey macros can be written to work with the SC11/Compact system.

Service Support

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Annual Support Programs

Your metrology instrumentation is a major investment that is critical to your business operation and success. In today’s competitive climate, it is more important than ever to extend the functionality and peak performance of your metrology equipment years beyond the expiration of your factory warranty. CN Tech’s Support Programs will help ensure that your investment is protected, and that you and your instrument’s are always operating at peak performance.

With over 20 years’ experience servicing and repairing you can be assured that your system is in safe hands. The independent services we offer include system relocation, maintenance visits, parts and consumables, and break down interventions.

CN Tech’s Support Programs are an economical way to guarantee optimal working condition:

  • Annual Preventive Maintenance
  • Priority Technical Assistance
  • Preferred Parts Availability
  • On-Site User Training
  • Remote Diagnostics
  • No surprise repair expense and much more!

Support Contact Example

An example of our service and support contracts are shown below:


Metrology & Instrumentation Annual Support Programs 2024/25

CN Tech's Support Programs will help ensure that your investment is protected, and that you and your instrument’s are always operating at peak performance.

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