Nano-Observer II

The Nano-Observer II is a cutting-edge Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) that combines flexibility, exceptional performance, and user-friendly operation. Designed for both advanced users and beginners, it offers a wide range of capabilities for nanoscale imaging and characterisation.



CSInstruments is a French scientific equipment manufacturer specialised in the conception of Atomic Force Microscope and options designed for existing AFM (Nano-Observer AFM, Resiscope™, High Voltage Amplifier, Magnetic modules). The product range proposed by CSInstruments is designed and manufactured to help the scientific community to achieve nanometre performances that meet the research needs and requirements for actual and future nanoscience applications.

CSInstruments was founded by a team of experts working in AFM field for more than 20 years, starting as pioneer with some historical manufacturers. CSInstruments activity is also based on a qualified and dynamic team, experienced in the fields of mechanics, electronics and data processing. This expertise ensures innovation and performance in the production of AFM and achieves an excellent price/performance ratio!

Key Features

  • User-Friendly Design
  • AutoScan Software: Easier & Faster Automated Scan
  • High-Performance Scanning
  • Advanced AFM Modes
  • Advanced Technology Integration
  • Open design for integration of optical microscopy techniques

Various Application Fields With Different Scan Modes

Advanced Electrical Modes:

  • Resiscope (current & resiscope mapping)
  • HD-KFM (auto optimised single pass KFM)
  • sMIM (capacitance/permittivity & resistivity/conductivity variations...)

Mechanical Properties:

  • Soft IC mode (stiffness & adhesion)
  • Force modulation mode (elastic and viscoelasticity)

Atomic Force Microscopy Modes:

  • Electric Force
  • Conductive AFM (current mapping)
  • Contact & no contact modes

Resiscope: Current & Resistance Mapping

What is Resiscope?

The ResiScope is a unique, true active and fast system able to measure Resistance over 10 decades with a high sensitivity and resolution. True fast auto ranging driven by Digital Signal Processor (DSP). It can be combined with several dynamic modes as MFM/EFM or KFM single pass providing several sample characterisations on the same scan area.

  • Resistance & Current mapping over 10 orders of magnitude in one module and one pass
  • Current control
  • High sensitivity over the full range
  • Compatible with :
    Oscillating mode / AC mode
    EFM / MFM

HD-KFM - High Definition Kelvin Force Microscopy

In addition to standard KFM, the Nano-Observer II can offer High Definition KFM mode to highly enhance the resolution and increase the sensitivity of the surface potential.

The Electric Field Cancelling is a technique to compensate in real time the electrostatic field between the tip and the sample to achieve a pure magnetic measurement (MFM)

Soft Intermittent-Contact Mode (Soft-IC) The 3rd AFM mode Advanced Surface Characterisation

A Breakthrough in AFM Technology for Comprehensive Sample Analysis

The Soft-IC mode operates at lower frequencies than traditional AFM, allowing the probe tip to make controlled, intermittent contact with the sample surface. This precise Z-piezo movement maintains constant force during measurement before retracting to the next point, enabling accurate mechanical and electrical property measurements while minimising sample damage. By combining the advantages of both contact and resonant AFM modes, Soft-IC excels at characterising soft biological samples and abrasive materials without compromising measurement quality or sample integrity. Compatible with various probe tips, this versatile technique delivers quantitative data while protecting both sample and probe.

Soft MEKA (Soft IC + Mechanical measurement)

Soft Meka allows you to obtain high resolution imaging of stiffness or adhesion. By setting a lift height higher than the adhesion force, the tip can be totally disengaged from the surface and permit to obtain stiffness and adhesion from every measured point. In addition, the stiffness can be used in combination with a software module to calculate the Young modulus.

Soft IC + Resiscope = Soft Resiscope

The Soft ResiScope is a specialised AFM technique engineered for precise electrical characterisation of fragile conductive samples. During operation, the system executes controlled vertical movement and keeps the force constant during the current/resistance measurement so that a quantitative conductive measurement is performed. Unlike traditional contact mode ResiScope, the Soft ResiScope measures also quantitatively resistance and current, avoiding the effects of friction either on the tip or the sample.

What sets this technique apart is its ability to deliver measurement quality comparable to traditional contact-mode AFM while extending these capabilities to delicate samples that would typically be damaged by continuous contact. This innovation bridges a critical gap in nanoscale electrical characterisation, making previously challenging measurements routine and reliable.

The Soft IC is also compatible with other AFM modes such as Scanning Thermal Microscopy(SThM) and Piezoresponse Force Mode (PFM) with similar benefits as Soft ResiScope, i.e. it avoids friction however it keeps the force constant during the thermal or piezoelectric measurement. It extends the capability to measure delıcate samples ın an easier and reliable manner.

Soft PFM

  • Measuring amplitude and phase signals for fragile samples
  • Intermittent Contact mode + PFM

Soft SThM

  • Thermal conductivity measurements for delicate samples
  • Intermittent Contact mode + SThM

Scanner Specifications

XY Scan Range 100 μm × 100 μm (±10%)
Z Range 15 μm (±10%)
XY Resolution < 0.1 nm
Z Resolution < 0.05 nm

Optical Detection System

Laser Type Low coherence laser diode
Detector 4-quadrant photodiode
Laser Spot Size < 30 μm

Electrical Measurements

ResiScope Range 102 to 1012</up> ohms
Voltage Range ±10 V (adjustable)

Controller and Data Acquisition

Controller Resolution 24-bit
Built-in Lock-in Amplifier Up to 6 MHz
Maximum Data Points 8192 × 8192
Scanning Speed Up to 10 lines/second (in 256 × 256 pixels)

Sample Stage

Sample Size Up to 50 mm diameter
Sample Weight Up to 100 g
Motorised Sample Approach 20 mm range, 100 nm resolution

Electrochemical AFM (EC-AFM)

Electrochemical Cell Three-electrode configuration
Potential Range ±10 V (typical, may vary)
Current Range pA to mA


Operating System Compatibility Windows 10/11
AutoScan Feature Automated imaging with three-click operation
Real-time Data Processing and Display
Advanced Mode Control HD-KFM, ResiScope, Soft IC, etc.
Data Analysis Tools Including force curve analysis, roughness calculations, etc.


Materials Science



2D Materials


Energy Materials

Service Support

Comprehensive repairs and servicing

Annual Support Programs

Your metrology instrumentation is a major investment that is critical to your business operation and success. In today’s competitive climate, it is more important than ever to extend the functionality and peak performance of your metrology equipment years beyond the expiration of your factory warranty. CN Tech’s Support Programs will help ensure that your investment is protected, and that you and your instrument’s are always operating at peak performance.

With over 20 years’ experience servicing and repairing you can be assured that your system is in safe hands. The independent services we offer include system relocation, maintenance visits, parts and consumables, and break down interventions.

CN Tech’s Support Programs are an economical way to guarantee optimal working condition:

  • Annual Preventive Maintenance
  • Priority Technical Assistance
  • Preferred Parts Availability
  • On-Site User Training
  • Remote Diagnostics
  • No surprise repair expense and much more!

Support Contact Example

An example of our service and support contracts are shown below:


Metrology & Instrumentation Annual Support Programs 2024/25

CN Tech's Support Programs will help ensure that your investment is protected, and that you and your instrument’s are always operating at peak performance.

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