Micropitting Rig MPT-3000

The MPT-3000 micropitting rig studies traction, wear, and rolling contact fatigue (RCF) by three-point roller contact that produces micro and macro pitting under various conditions. With more than a million contact cycles per hour, the three-disc rolling machine’s in-line torque and controlled acoustic allow quantifying minute differences.


Rtec Instruments

Rtec Instruments develops and manufactures advanced mechanical and surface testing and measurement solutions for research and industrial applications. They specialise in combining techniques that provide a unique perspective in material testing. Their testers include tribometer, profilometer, scratch tester, high-temperature indenter, and corrosion testers. Furthermore, their testers provide the most robust and versatile platform in the market for testing friction, wear, adhesion, hardness, roughness, and film thickness from nano to macro-scale.

Product Videos

Watch the MPT-3000 Micropitting Rig in Action

Key Features

  • Load up to 5000 N
  • Real-time force and speed control
  • Run millions of cycles in a short period of time
  • Lubricant temperatures up to 150 °C
  • Standard torque range up to 60 Nm
  • SRR (slide–roll ratio) 0 to +/- 200%
  • Centre pin 4 m/s, outside three rollers 18m/s

Why the Triple Disc Machine?

Three-disc rolling instruments are designed to assess and evaluate the resistance of materials or coatings to various types of wear. These types of wear include rolling contact fatigue (RCF), pitting, and micro-pitting. By simulating real-life conditions using different rolling or sliding combinations, contact pressures, and lubrication regimes, researchers and product developers explore and understand the behaviour of materials, coatings, and lubricants under different operating conditions.

The MPT-3000 Micropitting Tester is an ideal triple roller contact machine for studying traction, wear, and rolling contact fatigue under various combinations of rolling sliding ratios. The open platform architecture allows for easy access to the samples and setup. In addition, the fully automated and advanced controllers allow for high repeatability and precision measurements with the broadest test range in load, temperature, and speed. Quickly develop high-quality materials, coatings, and lubricants with automatic and repeatable failure and comparative analysis. In addition, the MPT-3000 helps ensure that manufactured components, such as gears, bearings, and other high-contact surfaces, meet the required standards and performance criteria fast and efficiently.

MPT-3000 Micropitting Rig Features

The micropitting rig has several key design features, making it the only commercially available tester to run a broad set of conditions and in-line inspection on the same platform. With pure sliding, pure rolling, and 0 to +/- 200% sliding/rolling ratio (SRR), the MPT-3000 obtains high precision measurements.

Closed-loop Patented Force Sensor - Measure force with the capacitive force transducers that work across a wide range with no drift—real-time servo closed-loop force control. Create automatic torque vs. load and speed curves.

Precise Temperature Control - Closed-loop temperature controller with a range of -35 to 150 °C.

In-line Torque Measurement - Self-aligned in-line high-resolution torque sensors for smooth rotation and a wide range of testing.

Accurate Determination of Failures - The MPT-3000 micropitting tester accommodates various in-line monitoring sensors to quantify real-time surface dynamics, including acoustic emission, electrical resistance, and potentiostat.

Rotary Motion - High power, high speed, and real-time speed control allow for repeatable data generation. Achieve a rolling velocity of up to 4 m/s at 0 pure rolling and an outside roller speed of 18 m/s at 6500 RPM.

Micropitting Testing Data

The data on the right shows the coefficient of friction results from a three-disc rolling contact fatigue setup. Surface treatments were done on one sample. This data illustrates which improvement in RCF life after the thermal spray coating application.
Sample 1 – uncoated Sample 2 – thermal spray coating

  • 500 N force
  • SRR from 0 to 0.6
  • Temperature 70°C


  • Gears and gearboxes

  • Automotive industry bearings, transmission systems, and sustainable materials and lubricants

  • Power transmission industry systems and roller bearings

  • Industrial cyclic operations

  • Renewable energy wind turbines

  • Aerospace industry research of gears, bearings, and engine parts



Micropitting Tester MPT-3000

View Brochure

Surface and Materials Testers Product Overview

View Brochure

Application Notes

Micropitting Accelerated Test for Tribo-Elements Sliding Parts of EV

View Application Note

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Your metrology instrumentation is a major investment that is critical to your business operation and success. In today’s competitive climate, it is more important than ever to extend the functionality and peak performance of your metrology equipment years beyond the expiration of your factory warranty. CN Tech’s Support Programs will help ensure that your investment is protected, and that you and your instrument’s are always operating at peak performance.

With over 20 years’ experience servicing and repairing you can be assured that your system is in safe hands. The independent services we offer include system relocation, maintenance visits, parts and consumables, and break down interventions.

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Support Contact Example

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Metrology & Instrumentation Annual Support Programs 2024/25

CN Tech's Support Programs will help ensure that your investment is protected, and that you and your instrument’s are always operating at peak performance.

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