EDS Detector

EDS Detector

The AZtecOne system combines the simple-to-use yet powerful AZtecOne software and the proven stability and accuracy of 30mm2 XploreCompact EDS Detector. It includes all the tools required to help you quickly analyse and characterise your sample with confidence and ease. Unique Tru-Q technology ensures that elements are automatically identified and quantified to new levels of accuracy. The QUANTAX Compact is a modular EDS system for qualitative and quantitative microanalysis in industry, research and education. The system’s standard less quantification software enables manual, automatic or interactive spectra evaluation and provides reliable results for specimens with polished or rough surfaces, thin layers and particles.



COXEM manufactures and provides Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), the most widely used platform technology in Nano- Metrology of Nano-scale. As a partner of Nano-fusion technology that changes industrial condition in 21 century, COXEM tries to provide the best quality service. SEM is the precision instrument, can be used for analysing the shapes or constituents of microstructure materials in quantitative and qualitative. SEM is an essential instrument for development of basic science and an indispensable infra for technical innovation, used in chemistry, biology, material science as well as nano-materials and nano-biology.

CN Tech are the exclusive Coxem distributor for:

United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.


Detection Range B(5) to Cf(98)
Energy Resolution Mn K <129eV@50,000cps
Max. Input count rate >1,000,000 cps
Quantitative count rate >100,000 cps
Controller X1 (1 Detector, images)
Detection Range B(5) to Cf(98)
Energy Resolution Mn K <129eV
Input count rate Over 150kcps
Output count rate Over 60kcps

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