
CN Tech attending MMC 2019

CN Tech is delighted to announce or attendance at mmc2019, Europe’s leading microscopy event. With six conference sessions, a huge commercial exhibition, poster village, and multiple workshops, mmc 2019 is an exciting event for microscopists from all over the world.

At mmc2019, we will be exhibiting our greatest product line up to date.

Our new range of SEM systems from COXEM, and AFMs from Park Systems provide modern solutions for electron and atomic force microscopy.

With our in-situ tensile stages from Swift Instruments, and in-situ nanoindentation systems from Nanomechanics, researchers can continue to push the boundaries of materials science.

We will also have our diverse range of laboratory tools and supplies on show, to offer solutions for all microscopy needs.

mmc2019 will be held at Manchester Central between 1st and 4th July 2019, and we look forward to meeting you there.

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